Lampa stołowa Emi marki Flos
- Lampa stołowa Emi marki Flos ma trójkątny korpus z aluminium i podstawę z żeliwa. Materiał ten jest łatwy do recyklingu, ale jest również bardzo ciężki. Ma lekko ziarnistą, żywą powierzchnię.
- Wymiary: wys. 114 x szer. podstawy 19,5 cm
FlosKod produktu:
The Emi table lamp by Flos has a triangular aluminium body and a cast iron base. This material is easy to recycle, but it is also very heavy. It has a slightly grainy, lively surface. Emi has an intense LED light source completely hidden in the lamp housing. The light emerges from the shadows, and you don't know where it comes from. It is not filtered by the lampshade: it is the walls that reflect the light, creating sculptural lighting. With Blackberry, you can enjoy a very natural light emanating from the walls. The dual lighting is directed both upwards and downwards, without any glare. This makes Emi ideal for use on a table, console or coffee table. The two lights are controlled independently by touch sensors on the top of the central shaft. You can adjust their light intensity separately (from 0 to 100%). You can quickly illuminate the space with functional light or dim the lights for a more subdued atmosphere. Dimensions: H 114 x W base 19.5 cm
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